full name Jackson Andrew Sempers
date of birth and age April 14th, 1984 & 30
occupation Manager/Owner @ Sempers AG
current location Denver, CO
relationship status Spoken for, unofficially
Jackson Sempers grew up privileged, but anyone would be hard pressed to get him to fully accept it or admit it. His parents, Jason and Riley, were frugal with their wealth all through Jack's upbringing, only splurging on his education and the occasional family trip with him and his three younger brothers. Jack grew up in a two story, four bedroom home in the suburbs of Denver, shared his room with this oldest younger brother, had a meager allowance and was put to work once he was of legal working age. Because of this, he's quick to overlook the fact that he had a private education, his mother bred show horses, and he's never truly wanted for anything in his life.

Jack felt he was forced into a position to be a role model for his brothers and to live up to all the expectations of their parents. Being the eldest meant that one day the small chain of restaurants, started by his grandfather, would be passed onto him. It was his duty to remain in good standing publicly, financially and morally. This pressure shaped him into being able to hide his real desires, his emotions, and a lifestyle and view points his parents would consider rebellious if they had any idea.

Though he went to private school, Jack was more interested in spending time with kids from the public schools near his neighborhood. He was popular enough at school, but on his free time, he would run around with kids from a different social class. He started drinking at an early age and dabbling in things like marijuana, shop lifting, and vandalism. By the time that he was fifteen, he was living a double life. He had good grades, participated in his mother's horse shows, helped around the restaurant, went to church every Sunday, volunteered for a variety of causes from helping the homeless to youth political campaigns, leading his family to believe he was well adjusted and performing the duties expected of him, unaware of the ways he was attempting to deal with his stereotypical teen angst.

College was no better. The summer before, his father promoted him from waiter to shift lead at the restaurant which added extra responsibility, on top of the work load he was unaccustomed to from his University classes. In an attempt to get some control over time management, Jack ditched the alcohol and pot and began taking adderall and other amphetamines. By his second semester, he was aware there was a problem, but any desire to seek help from his family dissolved, when his brothers started having issues of their own. Still under the impression that he had to be the most stable of the four, he tried to manage it privately and bottle up his issues.

His life changed when he met the daughter of a family friend, Aria van Laar, at the end of his sophomore year at the University of Denver. She was just finishing her junior year in high school, but he found himself spending more time with her and through her, the strength to deal with his addiction and priorities. He courted her for a year and took her out every opportunity they could manage. Though officially dating, he respected her age and waited until after she was eighteen to take the relationship to an intimate level. He replaced his addiction to the pills with an addiction to her and worked on bettering himself, to consolidate the two lives he was living into a more true form of himself. The winter of his last year at college, Jack took Aria to France and proposed to her.

Although she was his best friend, he treated her the same way he treated his family and kept a lot of his struggles and weaknesses from her. This led him to feel as if he was lying to her about who he was and instead of communicating and letting her in, he began to pull away as the reality of marriage became real. Scared that he was making a mistake and would end up hurting her worse in the long run by being with her, he started to sleep around with women that he met at the bars. Because Aria was still too young to drink, he felt that this was where he could go to escape without having to answer for his actions. A little over a month before the wedding, she found explicit texts on his phone. When confronted, instead of handling the situation, Jack bailed on her after blaming her and did his best to disappear from her life.

He realized his mistake quickly, but did nothing to try and repair his relationship or friendship with Aria. He decided it was better left untouched, so that she could move on with her life. After a week long bender in Mexico during Spring Break with some friends, Jack put all his focus back into school and his job. That summer he was promoted to manager of the restaurant he'd been working at his whole life and he decided to take time off from school to clean up the inner workings of the business with new policies, new staff, new menu and a complete redesign after getting his father and his grandfather's blessing. Feeling like he finally found true purpose, he began to actually embody the person that his parents had wanted him to be.

As social issues began to become all the rage through social media after the recession, Jack began to take a deeper interest in politics. When he realized that it was something that he wanted to consider seriously for his future, he decided to go back to school. With his MBA, Jack felt he could leave the restaurant business someday to form his own company that would set him on the map as a businessman in his own right, rather than just through his family. His free time is now mostly spent working on local political campaigns and dealing with his stress by getting out of town on trips and escaping into nature. He also does his best to promote and support a variety of local businesses, both to help the Denver economy and to get his name out there.

nicknames Jack

hometown Denver, CO

education BA in Business from DU, working on his MBA & graduating in May 2015

sexual orientation Kinsey 1

parents Jason & Riley Sempers

siblings Three younger brothers

Jack has lived all thirty years of his life in Denver, Colorado. His father owns a string of restaurants called Sempers American Grill, one of which Jack has worked at since he was sixteen, and now manages. He has a business degree from the University of Denver, as well as an associates degree in Restaurant Management. He's the eldest son of four boys and the only one who has "done anything with his life". He has a close relationship with both his parents and still spends a great deal of time staying at their house, even though he has his own apartment downtown. A string of failed relationships and one close call engagement has left Jack a bit on the fence and uninterested in serious relationships, but he's recently been trying as he's felt the pull of age catching up. He's voted republican in every election since he was 18, but considers himself a bit more liberal than some. Jack spends most of his free time socializing with strangers at various hot spots around town, keeping up on his collection of PS games, wandering out in nature, and looking after his younger brothers.

He's a typical Aries. Enterprising, Incisive, Spontaneous, Daring, Active, Courageous and Energetic, the Aries are the proverbial infants, guileless and optimistic to the fault. However, they also are impatient, impetuous, vain, proud and egoistic. They may also be liable to come across as selfish, jealous, coarse, ruthless and violent.

Has only ever had one job his entire life. From server, to shift lead, to manager. He felt no reason to branch out his skill set while going through school.

Very conservative views, for the most part, but not on all subjects. Has spoken up for equality and is very pro marijuana. As someone uninterested in having kids at the moment, he supports easier access to birth control. Even so, he can be a bit outspoken on his unpopular opinions and tries to look at it like everyone's going to have a different view of the same subject. He tries to respect other people's beliefs, spiritually and politically, but he's uninterested in the tactics most liberals take to fight their side.

Drives a black 2010 Ford Fusion Hybrid

lives in a 4 bedroom house with Gemma Witten and Robin Vanderkill (pictures)

Not a stranger of getting into trouble, though his family isn't aware of it. Rebelled privately with a set of friends his parents wouldn't have approved of in high school and college. Smokes pot. Disappears for days on end with no word.

He's had a problem showing his true self to people for most of his life, but it's something that he's taken great strides to try and fix. As he's come into his own more with hitting thirty, he's tried harder to be more personable and showing more of who he is, rather than the facade he's had up from his upbringing. His closest friends are still the only people that get to see his full true self, but it's a process he continues to struggle with and it can make him come off hot and cold in conversation.


played by: dave franco/ journal: ~sempers / mst, threads + customs, ooc friendly / coding by ~weisberger